2024 Pumpkins - No. 3
A jack-o-lantern pumpkin sits in the pumpkin patch on a moonlit night in the third (and final) artwork for the Burnsland Pumpkin Patch for 2024.
I know what you are thinking: Who carves a pumpkin and then puts it back out in the pumpkin patch? I do not have a good answer for that, but as you can see, it is happened here. I guess they thought that he would feel at home back in the pumpkin patch.
And while the moon was a waxing (or was it waning?) crescent in the previous pumpkin artwork, it is nice and full here. We will actually have a new moon just after Halloween instead of a full moon, but I used some artistic license here.
So that is it for the Burnsland Pumpkin Patch for this year. I hope you enjoyed this year’s pumpkins!
Love Your Neighbor
This pumpkin does not have any neighbors in his pumpkin patch. I guess all of the other pumpkins have gone to good homes. I thought about drawing in some other, non-carved pumpkins in the patch, but time got away from me. So this guy is rather lonely.
But chances are that you are not alone. Unless you are a complete hermit, you probably interact with people on a regular basis. How do you treat those that you come in contact with?
As Christians, we are called to love each other. Not only those who are nice to us, but everyone. Who is our neighbor? Whoever we come in contact with. So how should we treat them? All of them, everyone we meet? With love. Simple as that.
That is our mission, given by God.
For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” - Galatians 5:14

About the Artwork
I wanted to make each of this year’s pumpkins look different. And not just different carvings, but different art styles, too. That was the goal, and I think I have succeeded in achieving that. Not sure what I will do for next year, but I still have some time to figure that out.
This was drawn in Clip Studio Paint on my iPad with an Apple Pencil. However, I am exploring some new things, so you might see that soon. I think the end results will probably be the same, but I might switch to another app. Again.