
Mickey Mouse in a Burnsland Style

Mickey Mouse in a Burnsland Style

A version of Mickey Mouse in a Burnsland style of art is the latest creation from Art by Burnsland. Mickey Mouse’s head here is done in a sticker look of sorts with the white outline and background. And then the swirls in his head and face are reminiscent of the recent sea turtle artwork. Why all the swirls, you may ask? Why not, I may reply. That is the sort of thing that strikes me as interesting at this time.
Evening Clouds Over the Waves

Evening Clouds Over the Waves

Evening clouds hover over the waves rolling onto the shore in this beach scene in the latest Art by Burnsland. Imagine yourself standing on a cliff high above the waves down below, with a beautiful sunset sky above it all. The sunset colors of the clouds reflect in the water below. That was the mood I was trying to capture in this painting. This painting is a follow-up of sorts to another recent art piece.
The State of Burnsland 2023

The State of Burnsland 2023

Around this time of year, the President of the United States will give the State of the Union address. And state governors will often give a State of the State address. But who cares about all of that boring political stuff? Why not something fun? So here is the State of Burnsland for 2023. I even got all dressed up for the occasion. Like my suit? And how about that fancy podium and curtain backdrop?
Sea Turtle Artwork / Slow and Steady

Sea Turtle Artwork / Slow and Steady

Swimming Along A sea turtle swims along in stylized water in this latest art piece. Sea turtles interest me, and they have shown up in previous art here at Burnsland, too. However, this turtle is completely different from the previous one. The last one was much more cartoonish, while this one is more stylized. This turtle does not look as happy as that last turtle looks. But then if you look at a real sea turtle, he does not look all that happy, either.

Cartoon Steve in the Winter Snow

Cartoon Steve tries to stay warm on a winter snow day in the latest artwork from Steve’s Sketchbook. Winter Cartoon Steve is hardly recognizable here. He does (as of the time of this writing) also appear in winter garb in the header graphic up above. But because of the winter cold in this view he has pulled his cap down lower and added earmuffs and mittens, too. A guy has to do what he can to keep warm, after all.

Hawaiʻi Shore from Steve's Sketchbook

Walking along a shore in Hawaiʻi - the latest artwork from Steve’s Sketchbook. You may remember that Laura and I visited the island of Kauaʻi in Hawaiʻi for our 25th wedding anniversary a few years ago. That trip made quite an impression on me because the landscapes there were very different from what we have here at home. On that Hawaiʻi trip, I took lots and lots of photos, as you might guess.

A Christmas Tiki for December

Merry Christmas! A jolly tiki out in the snow wishes you a Merry Christmas as the newest member of the Tiki of the Month Club from Steve’s Sketchbook. Usually, you would find a tiki somewhere warm, such as at the beach on a tropical island. But just maybe there could be a tiki at the North Pole, too. Santa Claus strikes me as being an eclectic decorator, after all. So why would he not have a tiki somewhere near his workshop?

A Thankful Tiki of the Month

A Thankful Tiki brings a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. He is the newest member of the Tiki of the Month Club from Steve’s Sketchbook, by the way. This Tiki would love to be included in your Thanksgiving dinner plans. He is always looking for more friends to spend time with. And hopefully, that is a real turkey and not something made out of wood like he is. Of course, that raises the question of how he cooked it without setting himself on fire.

A Werewolf for Halloween!

Ooooooooo! A Werewolf brings you a joke for Halloween, or maybe Howl-O-Ween, in this latest artwork from Steve’s Sketchbook. So maybe the Werewolf does not have the best jokes. But I am not going to tell him. How about you? Do Werewolves even eat lunch, or are they only out at night? Maybe I should have researched that just a bit more before using this joke. But factual or not, I still think it is funny.

A Halloween Tiki for October

Happy Halloween! A tiki with a pumpkin-shaped head sits in a field on a starry night in the fall as Halloween approaches. This is the latest Tiki of the Month from Steve’s Sketchbook. Yes, Tiki of the Month is definitely a thing now. Our tiki friend is just waiting for some trick-or-treaters to come and pay him a visit. Of course, you can tell by his smile that he is a friendly tiki, so he only gives out treats, of course.